This Dog Begs For Food To Provide For Her Puppies


Although we have tried to give our beloved pets a forever home, there are still many animals out there that don’t have a home to call their own.

This dog is an example. We don’t know the backstory of the dog, but she has found that one of the ways to ensure her survival is to go around in Bangkok, Thailand, begging for food in a market district.

According to the people living around there, the dog has done this many times before. She would always come back to the marker for more, except she would always take the meat given to her and run away. If she’s so hungry to be begging, why not eat the chicken right there?

They decided to investigate. When the dog looked up at them begging, they gave her a chicken thigh. After taking it in her mouth, she immediately dashed away.

This time, they followed her. She turned around and saw them, but decided to keep going. Finally, they came to an abandoned backyard, the dog went to a dark corner. Suddenly, four puppies rushed out to share the chicken!

It’s then that the man realizes this begging dog is actually a loving mom providing for her kids. Let’s hope he continues to share food with these adorable pups.

Please SHARE this story if you think the dog is an amazing mom!