The owner is drunk, you call the driver instead, the dog leads the way to the house: It's great


Saying that "Nuomi" is the smartest dog on the Internet, no one should object, right?

I believe that many officers who love dogs and own dogs should know Nuomi, a German Shepherd in a blue shirt, whose intelligence and understanding have long been known throughout the Internet, the following short story is about it. .

After the owner got drunk, the friend called the driver

It happened in Guangdong.

On the night of December 28, the man drank with his friends at a roadside restaurant, with his dog Nuomi always beside him.

After several rounds of drinking, the man drank directly and lost consciousness, he didn't even have time to tell his friends his home address.

Since both he and his friend arrived by car, and they both drank together, they could not continue driving, but the friend had to call a replacement driver, but a new problem arose. After the replacement driver arrives: , Where does the driver live?

Fortunately, although my friend got dizzy after drinking, but fortunately he kept his rational appearance, he knew Nuomi was very intelligent and not a normal dog so he told owner that when the time comes, he will just follow the dog and he will be able to find the man's home.

After hearing what his friend said, the substitute driver was very suspicious, but for now he can only trust the dog, right?

Guide dog, driver follows closely

Just like that, the three of them got into the car, letting Nuomi lead the way.

Nuomi ran forward at her friend's "go home" command.

I saw Nuomi run and occasionally turn to look, probably worried that the three idiots behind me would get lost, so the car quickly drove into a residential area, and the automatic license plate recognition also proved to be the case. prove it. Surely, the path led by the dog is right.

After the car turned around in the residential area, soon arrived at the door of a family, Nuomi was waiting for them on the spot, the smart dog pointed to the floor mat at the gate, the friend opened the car door upon inspection, it turned out that the key to the door was below, I couldn't help but sigh, this dog is so smart.

"This dog can barely talk"

When a video of a guide dog went viral online, many netizens expressed their desire to form a group to catch dogs. Some netizens even think that this dog is really close when talking.

According to veterinarian Xiao Ming, this sticky rice is still a retired dog, it seems that the dog's life after retirement is not easy and he is very worried for his family. However, judging from the dog's mental state, the owner must definitely treat it well, so this should be considered a two-way rush.


After reading this story, many people's concept of dogs will be renewed, did not expect dogs to be so smart.

But you don't need to be jealous, there are some smart dogs like Nuomi anyway, and most of the dogs are cute and simple.

In fact, all pets, no matter how smart or stupid they are, as long as they can accompany us and give us warmth, they are the best pets, right?