The dog was completely paralyzed, she couldn't move to get out of the filthy puddles


When they found a dog nearly drowned in a puddle of dirty water, littered with trash and in the most unfortunate of conditions, their heroes burst into tears. What happened next touched people’s hearts and restored our faith in humanity.

We won’t tire of saying that life on the street can be one of the worst experiences for a pet.

There are so many stories and cases that show us, with more than a cold truth, that this could be so, no doubt!

The dog cannot get out of the filthy puddle on its own.

Jeevith is the protagonist of one of those episodes that can really make us change the perspective we have on abandoned dogs and cats, as well as get to do more, much more to protect these children.

The dog was totally paralyzed, she couldn’t move, her body didn’t respond…

This in itself is a very serious problem, but imagine how much worse the condition can become if the pet is lying motionless in a puddle of dirty water .

Helpless, dehydrated, malnourished and sick as she was, she soon became a target for parasites and other pests.

We have omitted the video of the rescue due to its unfortunate scenes, but the after images will warm your heart…

Luckily for Jeevith, a man saw the pup’s condition and immediately reported her case on Facebook, drawing the attention of a local rescue called Kannan Animal Welfare, in Uttar, Pradesh, India.

They got going as soon as possible, because judging by the state of the dog in the photos, she needed urgent help.

In a Facebook post, the rescue reported the status of the soul-drilling dog:

“We find Jeevith in a state impossible to describe without tears to tell. .. Half devoured by worms, motionless and waiting for the end of her. She hadn’t eaten for days and the dirty water had made her skin very sensitive. She had lost an eye to worms and her body was riddled with holes, 22 of them.’

He was just a bundle of bones but despite his paralysis, his depression and his weakness, he did not stop fighting.

As soon as they saw her, they knew that a simple challenge did not await them and that, to a large extent, the pet’s life would depend on their fighting spirit, but they would not give up.

Some vermin had been responsible for causing serious injuries to the dog’s body, especially in one of her eyes.

They couldn’t save her little right eye, but that wouldn’t stop her from getting better.

“All the vets we took her to told us to put her to sleep to end her suffering, except for Max Vets,” rescuers said.

“Determined to save her, we began to care for her day and night with all our love and care. It took 4 months of sincere efforts and overwhelming love from each of us to begin your journey towards becoming the curious ball of fluff we know today . ”

In Jeevith a wonderful and loving dog emerged

The name Jeevith, which means “One Who Lives”, could not have done more justice to his incredible recovery and strong determination to become the being of light that he is today.

She was eventually adopted by a wonderful family in Canada and currently lives with her loving family and two canine friends.

“Her story keeps us going and encourages us to keep saving other Jeeviths who are waiting for us along the way to give them a second chance at life. She is the inspiration for everything we do. It invites us to remind the world that even the darkest days contain a glimmer of hope . ”

Jeevith’s case should remind everyone of the magic of second chances. Let’s not stop fighting for the most vulnerable!