It is no secret to anyone that the life of stray dogs is extremely hard, but sadly the fate that often awaits them in overcrowded shelters is no less heartbreaking when, after being unadoptable, the only way out is euthanasia.
Kala and Keira ‘s hearts were broken. Going through the worst time of their lives, they waited on death row, but they proved that hugs can save lives.
They were a few hours away from fulfilling the established stay in a state shelter. After that time, if they did not find someone to adopt them, unfortunately and to the chagrin of all their caregivers, they would have to be put down.
Kala and Keira were hours away from dying, but this hug saved their lives
Her photo was shared by Melinda Evans, one of the caregivers at Angels Among Us , a pet rescue in Georgia that saves dogs and cats from other high-kill shelters around the rest of the state.
It was a sporadic image, the hug was not forced, and it was the last thing I could do for them; she had to try. Along with the heartbreaking image, she wrote a strong message that went around the world:
“We are so scared here. We were told that today is our deadline. We have to have someone to rescue us or we’ll be “next.” Keira is black and not a “true boxer”, just a mix. She is so brave and tells me that everything will be fine no matter what. She also tells me to be brave, but I don’t know if I can be. Can you see our faces? Keira knows what will happen. You can see it in her eyes. I’m sure she’s putting on a brave face, but I can feel her heart beating fast as I cling to her. If no one saves us, someone will take it from me. I’ll see her as she walks down the hall. She won’t come back and I’ll cry. They’ll come for me later and I won’t be so brave. We have comforted each other while we were here. She gave me hope when she had none. She now she’s done. Unless…”
“Oh my God! We see a lot of stuff in the rescue, but this will absolutely make you cry! Kala and Keira are scheduled to be put to sleep. Today is their last day unless we can save them. This is urgent. We really don’t have time to lose. We do not have adopters available. You can donate, share and pray. Now is the time to say YES!”, concludes the publication.
In a few seconds the image had managed to shed tears throughout the world
Two hours and six minutes after the most viral emotional hug in history , they found a foster home willing to take them in and save them from certain death, thanks to a young man who could not help but intervene.
However, these dogs deserved much more. This young man saved them from death but they needed a loving home forever.
Wendy and Pam are two friends who had recently lost their two elderly dogs and seeing that Kiara and Keila were still available, they did not hesitate to adopt them.
“We turned our tears into smiles with these two playful young dogs,” said Wendy.
So it didn’t take long for the shelter to tell in another emotional publication how it all ended:
“We never gave up hope and our foster parent said the perfect people were out there. Now we can hug each other all the time! That’s our thing and our new moms love that about us. We don’t even remember that refuge anymore or our life before we became Angels. All the good people made us forget the bad things that happened to us. Now we are here with a family and a home that we can call our own.
Miracles do exist! And all thanks to animal shelters like Angels Among Us , which are responsible for rescuing and finding a home for many animals.
Don’t leave without sharing the moving story of Kala and Keira, to raise awareness and convince the world of everything that happens when we rescue a little animal from the gates of death. Adopt!