This is Towser, an 11-year-old terrier who has endured excruciating pain because his coat was so horribly neglected. When she was taken to the Hillside Animal Sanctuary , they had to put her between the towels so as not to hurt her more.
She was assigned to the sanctuary with another dog named Bobby after her elderly owner was taken to the hospital in critical condition. The reserve’s custodian, Holeigh Melton, 23, commented: “When Towser arrived, she was in great pain. I had to hug her in a towel to try not to hurt her.”
“Every time I touched her, she growled. She’s not aggressive, it’s just that she feels too much pain with simple touch.
“We were absolutely shocked by his abandoned condition, Towser’s coat was so gray that he couldn’t walk or see. Her coat was so thick that she had trouble defending herself. gave birth”, “X-ray, it was found that her bladder was filled with crystalline stones that could not be evacuated properly”.
Both dogs had to be sedated to fix their fur, it was not easy because the doctors could not even find their tails among so much matted hair. But this was not all, despite the money they had to invest in their health there was still a very important issue.
“Towser needed a high-risk operation to remove the more than 200 stones in her bladder,” Holeg added: “Even though it would have been easier to ‘let her go’, we made the decision to try and save her.”
“Her life is certainly hanging in the balance, but fortunately, after spending several days with the vet, the surgery to remove 200 stones from her bladder was successful, and she is now recovering.”
It is believed that their owners have reduced care for the puppies due to their age and have struggled so much to take care of themselves that they have neglected the dogs. Both dogs were owned by his last wife, so it is assumed that he kept them as a bond with her.
Fortunately, this story will have a happy ending, because these dogs could have been killed because of the terrible conditions they lived in in recent years, however, they had a second chance. two to enjoy the life they deserve.
Share this inspirational rescue with your friends, no matter how dire the conditions, there is always hope.