She was committed to assisting stray canines, but the evil deeds of others made things harder and more challenging


Sebahat Hanifeoglu is a devoted animal lover who was outraged to learn of the dire situation thousands of puppies are facing on the streets of Turkey . It has become very common for many families to leave their pets in remote areas or landfills . These are places so extreme that it is only a matter of time before they lose their lives .

Sebahat lives in the city of Kastamonu in northern Turkey.

Sebahat decided to do something. He began to get up every day at dawn to go to all the areas where he knew there would be puppies in distress. With blankets, food and water, all the dogs were very happy to see that help had arrived. Sebahat did not have the necessary resources to get them out of there. She could only dedicate himself to bringing them food and visiting them again as soon as possible.

Every day Sebahat visits 5 areas where people often leave dogs.

Over time she made a beautiful connection with all the animals . Many of the dogs she saved from her had clear signs of being treated unfairly by her, so it took some time for them to trust her and understand that he was there to give them love. Every day it was more difficult to leave knowing that she was leaving them out in the open .

“I am doing something that we should all do. I’m not going to give up”.

It was then that she managed to create small sheds . She wanted to make sure the puppies had a little place to hide from the cold and rain. Once he made them he would take them to the different areas and leave them there along with some food.

Sebahat posts all his progress on his Instagram , which already has more than 30,000 followers.

However, things only seemed to be getting more difficult . Once Sebahat went back to help his friends she realized someone was robbing the sheds. She was even incensed to see that many people were just going to kick them to leave them completely ruined . Given all this, the dedicated rescuer did nothing but feel more and more like fighting for the puppies.

Sebahat has created alliances with animal foundations in Canada to move the puppies.

And indeed, she never gave up . Now Sebahat is working hand in hand with the Dumpster Doggies Foundation. They help her care for hundreds of puppies and even make sure many of them get the forever homes they so desperately need .

Sebahat accepts donations to help her work through her GoFundMe page .

On many occasions, seeing the enormous damage that people did to animals was extremely painful, but she knew that she had to take that as an inspiration to be able to help more and more innocent animals.

Don’t leave without sharing Sebahat’s dedicated story to support her on her long journey.