Save a week-old dog tethered to a tree and pleading for assistance


The evening routine of a noble farmer completely changed the fate that some soulless man had thought for a few weeks old tiger cub. In a rural part of Asia, a farm worker leaves home very early to inspect part of his crops, and on his way to start his day , he hears the desperate cry of a creature with no self-defense ability.

When he finds it, he realizes that someone left him alone in that secluded place with the worst of intentions. The little animal was suffering, trying to escape from the tree it had clung to.

So angry at the situation, the man acted quickly and as best he could, he untied the puppy who quickly trusted him and jumped into his arms. The connection between the two is immediate, the man is captivated by the moving scene and the beauty of the animal, while the puppy sees him as his savior.

This unsung hero took the puppy to a safe place for initial care and an assessment of its physical condition.

“I heard crying in the mountains. Probably a puppy. When I went to find her, I was shocked… An abandoned puppy was chained to a tree. So I rescued him, ” the man commented.

As explained by the local people, in his community there are many animals that live in abandoned scenes for life. Good thing he was at least encouraged to do something for one of them.

“Street cats and dogs reproduce a lot and cannot protect their kittens or puppies, some are abandoned, some are lost from their mother,” he said.

This supportive man decided to take care of the animal himself but shared the video of the rescue to show the world the anguish and suffering to which these creatures are exposed every time they are abandoned.

“If you love animals like me, Together we can change the world. Thanks for reading that” , they commented from the SafeGuard account at the time of sharing the video.

Here we leave you the moment of rescue.

No one deserves to go through all of that but every day the cases of abandonment multiply and it is important that everyone understands the importance of change. To achieve this, people need to engage from their environment with different circumstances and provide support and protection to the many animals in need.

Dogs are truly angels in everyone’s life, let’s not leave them alone. Please share this rescue story so others can see how rewarding being the savior of a life can be.