Pregnant Pitbull Almost Giving Birth Cried For Her Puppies in Cold Night After Being Abandoned


It will always be unfair and unreasonable to leave your dog alone. Unfortunately, on the evening of December 8, 2020, this pitbull experienced this. Her owner abandoned her and tied her to a pillar in the cold night.

The pregnant pitbull was helpless and didn’t know what was happening, she didn’t know why her owner decided to take her out that evening. This poor creature had just wagged her tail and looked at her owner as he left the scene.

The next day, three people came to the dog and offered to help her. The pregnant pitbull appeared to be aware that she was only a few days away from giving birth since she was immediately receptive and welcomed her assistance. Her expression was sorrowful and resigned to the worst-case scenario, yet she tried to preserve her child.

Everyone fed her before putting her into the car and bringing her to the vet; this pregnant pitbull needed help. They all wanted to know how far along she was.

The dog came to the clinic tired and scared after the trip, and she just wanted to rest. However, this pregnant pitbull has difficulty breathing due to her large belly. After checking, they let her rest. The next day, they prepared to go for an ultrasound to determine the condition of her puppies.

Fortunately, the pregnant pitbull was doing well and everything looked to be normal, but the vet noticed that the puppies were on their way. The medics advised the woman who had rescued the dog to keep her quiet before giving birth.

After breaking water, the pitbull gave birth. She had been through a lot, but she now found a kind woman eager to look after her and take responsibility for her. The woman who rescued her cared for not just her, but also the creatures the pitbull had brought into the world.

Even though the woman does not want to keep all five, she will wait until the dogs are older before looking for a forever home for them. This pitbull shown incredible bravery as well as intellect. She was able to put her faith in the woman she sought since she realized she needed assistance with her puppies.