A noble dog is pregnant, waiting every day for the beings she loves the most and her heart is broken because they have no intention of returning. So begins a life journey and its end touches the hearts of thousands of people.
There is no case where abandoning an innocent animal is justifiable, especially today, where more and more organizations aim to help and shelter animals in need of a home .
However, there are still people who continue to leave the puppies in need like Marie’s case. This cute little dog was abandoned by his owner despite being pregnant and can give birth at any time.
Even that wasn’t enough for her family to become sensitive to the pain of the poor dog, who would be left to her own devices and not understand how they could get rid of her for good.
Innocent, she hoped that her family would return, and sadly, that never happened. They left her alone as if it were something material.
Marie’s owners have moved and simply left the dog on the porch.
Tania Capelluti is the founder of a shelter in Costa Rica called Charlie’s Angels Animal Rescue. Capelluti traveled to Costa Rica for a while as a tourist; but when she realized that there were too many abandoned animals on the streets she knew she had to do something to help them.
He founded the shelter, and with the help of many people he managed to build a strong network of people willing to help and give temporary homes to many animals.
Capelluti’s original plan was to do a yoga retreat in Costa Rica and immediately return to Germany.
When they informed him about Marie’s case, Capelluti had already returned to his country, but he did not hesitate to denounce the terrible abandonment that this dog had suffered unjustly.
“ He has no food or water, only his huge belly. The poor thing still waits day and night in front of the door in the hope that they will come back for her.”
A short time later Wynn Mackey offered to help the cute little dog. Mackey already has several dogs in her home , but when he heard Marie’s sad story he knew he had to make room for her.
Before Mackey gave Marie a temporary home, local residents had taken care of the dog.
Mackey knew it was only a matter of time before Marie gave birth, so he prepared a special bed for her when the big day arrived. Days later, Capelluti celebrated the birth of Marie’s cute puppies from Berlin.
“When I opened Facebook I found her smiling with her seven puppies .”
The sweet little dog had developed a deep relationship with Mackey. She refused to leave her side, and when it was time to give birth she preferred to do so in her rescuer’s bed. Marie is a very loving and protective mother of her puppies .
Once Marie and the seven puppies are better, they will start looking for a forever home for them.
We raise our voice against the terrible abandonment that this sweet dog suffered. Luckily, she managed to get help just in time and give birth to seven beautiful puppies.
The image of the dog has become a symbol of the animals that have to endure those cruel experiences. Luckily, she managed to get help at the right time.
The extraordinary work of those who have dedicated their lives to rescuing abandoned animals gives them a chance to know the happiness they deserve as part of an admirable family. tomb.